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School Board Training

School Board Training can be an effective effort in maximizing district success, relations with staff and administration and also  affiliating new members with policies and procedures of the school district. The school board plays an extremely important role in connecting the community to the goals of the school district by providing leadership and guidance to the administration, educators, and students of the school district. Successful school boards work collaboratively and respectfully to attain input from all board members in the decision making process. Diverse opinions are expected and encouraged. Foundation Innovation’s facilitation will result in a system of communication to enhance and support the goals and initiatives of the district as well as in-depth discussion of each focus area.

Audience Clapping

Foundation Innovation, LLC’s School Board Training is a step-by-step method that streamlines the planning and facilitation process to maximize and value the time of school board members and administration, while developing measurable guidelines that can be used for effective communication and operational processes. Each retreat session is unique in content and facilitation.

The Foundation Innovation team creates a partnership with staff and the board to prepare, in advance, a scope of work to meet the stated objectives. Foundation Innovation will recommend and facilitate a plan of action that is specifically designed to prepare, train, discuss, and implement a collaborative process of communication with school board members. Each retreat is customized based on the focus area. Presentations as well as interactive discussions and activities will be facilitated for the areas determined.


  • Team Building

  • School Board Operating Procedures

  • School Board Assessment

  • Profile of a high performing School Board

  • Roles and Responsibility of School Board Members, Superintendent and Faculty

  • Team Approach for School Board decision making

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