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Successful education foundations craft a well-planned and methodical approach. Foundation Innovation, LLC will guide you through the start-up of your education foundation utilizing customized approaches, research-based nonprofit best practices, university advancement techniques, and nationally recognized fundraising standards to accelerate success and ensure sustainability.

An effective education foundation requires a road map for sustainability. In many school districts, the 501 (c)(3) designation is accomplished with the greatest intentions, but after a time the enthusiasm levels off or dwindles. Synergy among the foundation board, superintendent, school board and community may wane; focus is dimmed. Foundation Innovation, LLC will show you how to turn your existing education foundation into a high performing, sustainable, and impactful charity with an engaged board of directors.

Sustainability of leadership, increased awareness, and higher levels of giving are important discussion and action topics for an effective education foundation. To build capacity for giving, engagement, and impact, a systematic approach is most effective. Sustainable and effective education foundations review activities and strategies annually. Foundation Innovation, LLC provides hands-on and motivating strategic planning that will involve the Board of Directors to develop a vision for the future of your fond and steps to take to achieve that vision.
Sustainability of leadership, increased awareness, and higher levels of giving are important discussion and action topics for an effective education foundation. To build capacity for giving, engagement, and impact, a systematic approach is most effective. Sustainable and effective education foundations review activities and strategies annually. Foundation Innovation, LLC provides hands-on and motivating strategic planning that will involve the Board of Directors to develop a vision for the future of your fond and steps to take to achieve that vision.

Successful education foundations rely on more than one source of revenue to ensure sustainability. A diverse development plan is the key to not only increasing the financial impact your foundation can make in your school district, it allows the foundation to expand their efforts beyond basic programming to a more systemic reach. Foundation Innovation LLC offers comprehensive support and guidance for your education foundation to launch an annual campaign, establish an endowment, cultivate major gifts, conduct a capital campaign, utilize a development audit or train you and your board members on "Making the Ask."

The governing body of your education foundation plays an important role within an education foundation. Through Board Development, Foundation Innovation LLC will guide your board in creating a plan of action, capitalizing on board member’s skills and expertise, and selecting and training additional board members for a stronger and more effective team.

The hiring of the most effective, best-suited professional is instrumental to strengthening a nonprofit organization and contributing to the advancement of its philanthropic mission. Foundation Innovation, LLC provides a full-range of Executive Search services to assist foundations and nonprofit organizations to identify and hire highly qualified, effective professional staff to meet the needs of the organization.

Image is everything. Your marketing materials should grab the attention of potential donors and reflect the purpose and mission of your education foundation. Foundation Innovation, LLC can help you design a vibrant, creative, and recognizable image for your education foundation through professional designs customized to your education foundation.

School Board Training can be an effective effort in maximizing district success, relations with staff and administration and also affiliating new members with policies and procedures of the school district. The school board plays an extremely important role in connecting the community to the goals of the school district by providing leadership and guidance to the administration, educators, and students of the school district. Foundation Innovation, LLC's facilitation will result in a system of communication to enhance and support the goals and initiatives of the district as well as in-depth discussion of each focus area.

Whether it's a day-long board retreat, goal-setting or team training you are looking for, Foundation Innovation, LLC consultants can create a specialized agenda to help you reach your goals in a day. We walk you through a comprehensive process while working in a timely manner to benefit the varying schedules of volunteers and staff.

The key to achieving success is knowing the strengths of your charitable organization. It is equally important to understand the areas in need of improvement. The assessment is intended to focus the discussion and direction of board members and staff around capacity building objectives. The survey of board members can be helpful in receiving key data and perceptions to assess the impact and effectiveness of the organization. Best practices call for an annual board assessment. The data received will help the board understand areas of deficiency as an organization as well as the celebration opportunities